Active voice and Passive voice :Rules , Defination, Examples, in hindi | Learn Exams Today

 Passive voice and Active voice in hindi 

इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से आज हम जानेंगे की What is active voice and passive voice in hindi जो की इंग्लिश का एक ख़ास पार्ट है जिसके बिना आप का इंग्लिश बोलने और पढने का सपना अधुरा रहता है इसलिए आज हम जानेगे की एक्टिव वौइस् और पैसिव वौइस् क्या होता है  ? और इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी लेंगे ताकि आपको आगे कोई दिक्कत ना हो तो चलिए शुरू करते है  ?

Active voice and passive voice

Active voice क्या होता है ? ( What is Active voice in hindi ) 

Active voice - का शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है की - सक्रिय होना  |

परिभाषा -  जब वाक्य में सब्जेक्ट का स्वय सक्रिय होता है, यानी की जब करता स्वय कार्य करता है तो यह एक्टिव वौइस् कहलाता है | 

Example - Jhankar eats the food .

इस वाक्य में भोजन करने में स्वय सब्जेक्ट सक्रिय है , यानी “झंकार स्वय भोजन खा रहा है  | तो यह एक्टिव वोइस का एक उदाहरण है | 

Passive voice क्या होता है  ? ( What is passive voice in hindi  )

Passive voice  - का शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है - निष्क्रिय होना  |

जब वाक्य में सब्जेक्ट स्वय निष्क्रिय होता है और वर्ब के अनुसार किया जाता है , तो यह passive voice कहलाता है  | 

Example -  The food is eaten by Jhankar . 

इसके अलावा इन्हें भी देखे -  Past Tense in hindi 

Active voice से passive voice के उदहारण ( Example of active voice to passive voice in )

Active - the poen rings the first bell a 10 o’clock . 

Passive - ht first bell is rung at 10 o’clock . 

Active - my father teaches me english .

Passive - I am tought english by my father . 

Active voice से passive voice में बदलने के नियम ( Rules of  change to active voice to passive voice  in hindi ) 

Active voice to passive voice में सब्जेक्ट को ऑब्जेक्ट के अनुसार बदला जाता है जो की निम्न है  - 





1st person 


My , mine 



Our .ours 

2nd person 



Thy , thine ,



Yours, your’s 

3rd person 






Her , Hers






Their, theirs 




  • कर्त वाच्य में कर्ता कोई क्रिया करता है , जबकि कर्म वाच्य में कर्ता निष्क्रिये होता है |

  • कर्म वाच्यो में क्रिया के कर्ता के बजाये कर्म पर ज्यादा जोर दिया जाता है  |

  • कर्त वाच्यो में सकर्मक क्रिया का कर्म , कर्म वाच्च्यो में क्रिया का कर्ता बन जाता है  |

  • सहायता क्रिया be की उचित फॉर्म और v ३  का प्रयोग कर्म वाच्य बनाए जाते है , कर्म वाच्य केवल सकर्मक क्रिया का ही प्रयोग करते है  |

  • इसके अलावा इन्हें भी देखे - Present Tense in hindi

Active voice से Passive voice में बदलने के नियम - 

  • सबसे पहले वाक्य में ऑब्जेक्ट को सब्जेक्ट में बदल कर लिखते है | 

  • सब्जेक्ट के तुरंत काब में कर्ता के अनुसार हेल्पिंग वर्ब लिखते है |

  • वर्ब की ३ फॉर्म का प्रयोग करते है  |

  • यदि जरुरत हो तो by लगाते है  | 

  • और आखिर में सब्जेक्ट को ऑब्जेक्ट बना कर लिखते है  |

अत इस प्रकार यह पैटर्न बनता है  - 

[obj (as a subject )+helping verb + v3 + by +  subject (as a object ) ]

Pattern of passive voice ( Present tense ) 

Present indefinite Tense : 

Present indefinite Tense में हम  प्रेजेंट कंटीन्यूअस tense के अनुसार बदलते है | अत इस प्रकार यह पैटर्न बनता है  _

( object + is/am/are+ v 3 form + by + subject )

Example - 

  Active voice - ram eats the food

Passive - The food is eaten by ram . 

In negative sensentense - 

 Active - ram does not eat the food . 

Passive - The food is not eaten by ram .

In interrogative -

 Active - Does ram eat the food ?

Passive - is the foo eaten by ram ?

Active voice - why does ram eat the food ?

Passive - why is the food eaten by ram ?

इसके अलावा इन्हें भी देखे - 

Present Continuous Tense : 

Present continuous Tense में  passive voice बनाने के लिए निम्न बातो का ध्यान रखते है  -

(  object + is / am/ are+ being + v 3 + by + sub )

Example - 

Active voice -  ram is eating the food  .

Passive voice - The food is eaten by Ram  .

In negative sentence - 

Active voice -  Ram is not eating the food.

Passive voice- The food is not being eaten by ram .

In interrogative sentence -

Active voice - is ram eating the food.?

Passive voice - is the food is being eaten by ram ?

Active voice- why is Ram eating the food ?

Passive voice - Why is the food being eaten by ram ?

Present Prefect Tense :

Present perfect tense -  में passive voice बनाने के लिए निम्न बातो का ध्यान रखा जाता है  -

(object+ has /have+ been + v 3 form + by + subject)

Examples - 

Active - ram has eaten the food .

Passive - The food has been eaten by raam .

In negative sensentense - 

Active - Ram has not eaten the food.

Passive - The food has not been eaten by ram .

In interrogative sentence -

Active - Has ram eaten the food? 

Passive - Has the food been eaten by Ram ?

Active - why has Ram eaten the food ?

Passive - Why has the food been eaten by ram ?

Pattern of passive voice ( Past Tense )  :

Past indefinite Tense : 

Past indefinate Tense में passive voice बनाने के लिए निम्न बातो का ध्यान रखना होता है  -

( object + was / were + v3 form + by + subject )

Examsples - 

 Active voice - Ram ate the food .

Passive voice - The food was eaten by Ram .

In negetive sentense-

Active - Ram did not eat the food .

Passive -  The food was not eaten by ram. 

In interrogative sentense-

 Active - Did Ram eat the food?

Passive - Was the food eaten by Ram ?

Active voice - Why did ram ea the food?

Passive - Why was the food eaten by ram ?

Past Continuous Tense : 

 Past continous Tense  में passive voice बनाने के लिए निम्न नियमो को ध्यान में रखा जाता है  -

( object + was /were+ being + v3 form + by + subject )


 Active - Ram was eating the food.

Passive - The food was being eaten by ram .

In negetive sentense -

 Active - Ram was not eating the food.

Passive - The food was not being eaten by ram  .

In interrogative- 

 Active - Was Ram eating the food?

Passive - Was the food being eaten by Ram ?

Active -  Why was Ram eating the food?

Passive- Why was the food being eaten by ram ?

Past Perfect Tense :

Past perfect tense में passive voice में बदलने के लिए हम निम्न बातो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए -

( object + had + been + v3 + by + subject )

Examples - 

Active voice -  Ram had eaten the food .

Passive - The food had been eaten by ram .

In negetive sentense -

Active - Ram had not eaten the food .

Passive - The food had not been eaten by ram .

In interrogative -

Active - Had Ram eaten the food?

Passive- Had  the food been eaten by ram ?

Active - Why had ram eaten the food?

Passive - Why had the food been eaten by ram ?

इसके अलावा इन्हें भी देखे -

संज्ञा किसे कहते है और उसके भेद हिंदी में

सर्वनाम किसे कहते है और उसके भेद हिंदी में |

Pattern of passive voice ( Future Tense ) :

Future indefinate Tense 

Future indefinate Tense  में active voice से passive voice में बदलने के लिए निम्न बातो को ध्यान में रखा जाता है  -

( object+ will / shall + be + v 3 + by + subject ) 

Examples -

 Active -  Ram will eat the food .

Passive - The food will be eaten by Ram .

In negetive sentense - 

Active-  Ram will not eat the food.

Passive - The food will not be eaten by ram .

In interrogative - 


Active - will ram eat the food ?

Passive - will the food be eaten by ram ?

Active– Why will ram eat the food?

Passive-  Why will the food  be eaten by ram ?

Future Perfect Tense 

Future perfect tense में active voice से passive voice में बदलने के नियम निम्न है -

(  object + will have / shall have + been + v3 + by subject )

Examples -

Active - Ram will have eaten the food.

Passive voice- The food will have been eaten by ram .

In negetive sentense -
 Active - Ram wil not have eaten the food .

Passive - The food will not have been eaten by ram .

In interrogative - 

Active - Will Ram have eaten the food?

Passive - Will the food have been eaten by Ram ?

Active - Why will ram have eaten the food?

Passive -  Why will the food have been eaten by Ram ?

Pattern of passive voice ( Model Auxiliaries) 

Must , can , could , shall , should , will, would, may , might, ought to, need not ,  आदि मॉडल के बाद में passive voice में helping verb हमेशा be का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

अत इस प्रकार पैटर्न बनता है  - ( Object+ model+ be+ v 3 + by + subject )

Exaples - 

Active voice - you must write a letter.

Passive voice - A letter must be written by you.

Active voice- you must not touch the switch.

Passive voice- The switch must not be touched by you.

Would be के साथ passive voice में हमेशा been का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

Example -

Active voice -  He would have done it.

Passive voice- It would have been done by him.

Pattern of passive voice( “ to “infinitive क्रिया से पहले to )

( object + helping verb + to be + v3 + by + subject )

Tense  तथा ऑब्जेक्ट के अनुसार helping verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

Example - 

Active voice -


She is to cook the food.

Passive voice - 

 The food is to be cooked by her.

Pattern of passive voice ( imperative sentense )

Imperative sentense ( आज्ञा या प्राथना -सूचक ) निम्न प्रकार से प्रारंभ  होते है  |

१  Starting with v ३ फॉर्म ऑफ़ थे वर्ब 

Imperative sentense का passive voice “Let “ से प्रारंभ होता है तथा helping verb  में “be “ का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

Assertive sentense :

( Let + object + be + v3 )

Negetive sentences: 

 ( Let + object + not be + v 3 )

Examples -

Active voice - Stop the work .

Passive voice -

Let the work be sotpped.

Active voice - Don’t stop the work .

Passive voice -

Let the work not be stopped, 

2 . Starting with “Let “

( Let + object + be + v3 + by + subject )

Examples - 

 Active voice -  Let him do it .

Passive voice -

Let it be done by him .

Active voice -   Let me try this question.

Passive voice - Let this question be tired by me .

3 . imperative sentences without object ( Intrasitive verb ):

Imperative sentence  के वाक्य को उनके भावार्थ देने वाली क्रिया का प्रयोग कर passive voice में बनाया जाता है  |

( You are + भावार्थ देने वाली क्रिया की वर्ब कि३ फॉर्म + to + active voice का का वाक्य ज्यो का त्यों लिख देना  )

भावार्थ देने वाली क्रिया निम्न है  -


आज्ञा देने वाली 


प्रस्ताव देना 


हुक्म देने वाली 


मना करना 


विनती करना 


भीख मांगना 


सलाह देना 


चेतावनी देना 


सुझाव देना 


Examples -


Active voice - Please keep quite .

Passive voice - You are requested to keep quite.

Active voice - Take milk fruit daily.

Passive voice- You are adivised to take milk and fruit daily.

Active voice. Work hard.

Passive voice - You are adivised to work hard.

Imperative sentences के वाक्यों में उनके भावार्थ के अनुसार models का प्रयोग कर भी passive voice बनाया जाता है |

Example - 

Active voice - Help the needy .

Passive voice - The needy should be helped.

 1 sentences starting with “ Who  “ :

(By whom + is /am / are or was /were+ object  + v3 ) 

Examples -

Active voice - who gave him a book ?

Passive voice - By whom was he given a book ?

Sentences starting with “ which “

By which + given noun + is/ am / are or was / were + object + v 3 ) 

Examples - 

 Active voice - Which boy was telling a story ?

Passive voice - By which boy was story being told ?

Pattern of passive voice ( with “Unimportant subject “)

Active voice के वाक्यों में subject के रूप में somebody , someone , everyone , everybody , all of them , the people आ जाए तो passive voice बनाते समय उन्हें लिखा या फिर बोला नहीं जाता है  |

Active voice - Which boy was telling a story ?

Passive voice - By which boy was story being told ?
( Object + helping verb + v 3 )

Examples - 

 Active voice - Some one posted the letter .

Passive voice- The letter was posted .

Active voice - People teke the tea in the morning.

Passive voice - Tea is taken the morning .

Active voice - Someone is waiting for you in the room .

Passive voice- You are being waited i the room .

Active voice - Many people take tea in tea evening.

Passive voice - Tea is taken by many people in the morning .

Many people, some people  are important subject .

Pattern of passive voice( -going - )

 ( object + is / am / are/ or was / were  / + going to + v3 + by + subject )

Examples -

Active voice - We are going to win the match .

Passive voice - The match is going to be won by us.

Active voice - We are going to play the football.

Passive voice - The football is going to be played by us .

Pattern of passive voice ( object followed by “any”)

Active voice के वाक्यों में object के अगर any आ जाए तो any को no में बदल देते है | passive voice के वाक्यों में not नहीं लगाते है |

Examples - 

Active voice - He does not buy any thing.

Passive voice - No things is bought by him.

Pattern of passive voice ( without object $ withthat caluse)

Active voice के वाक्यों जिनमे object नहीं हो और that clause आया हो तो that से पहले आने वाली क्रिया के अनुसार passive voice बनाते है |

( it + is/was/ will be + v3 + that clause )

Examples -

Active voice - They hope that it will rain. 

Passive voice - it is hopped that it will rain.

Active voice - People say that health is wealth.

Passive voice - it is said that health is wealth.

Active voice - NObody knows that how vast the space.

Passive voice-   it is not known that how vast the space is.

Pattern of passive voice ( special cases)

Passive voice बनाते समय कुछ verb के बाद निश्चित रूप से preposition का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

At - astonished , surprised, alarmed, shocked, के बाद at का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

 Example  -

Active voice - The news shocked me.
Passive voice - i was shocked at the news.

Active voice - His victory astonished us.

Passive voice - We are astonished at this victory.

With - tired .  satisfied, charmed, disgusted, के बाद with का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |


Active voice - The long journey tired me .

Passive voice - I was tired with long journey.

Active voice - Your service satisfies me.

Passve voice- I am satified with your service.

Note - Pleased/ displeased के बाद भावार्थ के अनुसार with या at का प्रयोग किया जाता है  “


Active voice - He pleased them .

Passive voice- They were pleased with them .

Active voice - Your wit pleased him .

Passive voice- He was pleased at your wit .

In - interested के बाद in का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

Examples -

Active voice - Poetry interests me 

Passive voice - I am interested i poetry.

To - known के बाद to का प्रयोग किया जाता है  |

Example s 

Active voice - He knows me .

Passive voice - I am known to him .


मुखे  ख़ुशी है की आज में आपको इंग्लिश के कुछ बेसिक टॉपिक्स सिखाने में आपको मदद कर रहा हूँ जिस कड़ी में आज मेने आपको बताया की  Passive voice and active voice  के बारे में वो भी बिलकुल फ्री है  | 

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